
Skills Development and BBBEE Deadline: 30 April 2019

To be able to claim any BBBEE points from the Skills Development element on your next BBBEE Certificate, there must be evidence of your submission of your Annual Training Report and Workplace Skills Plan to your SETA by 30 February 2019.  

Failing to do so means that:
* The 25 BBBEE points available for you for Skills Development fall away. [Read More…]

Mark - 07:27 @ common, Industrial Relations, Human Resources, B-BBEE | 1 comment


Suspending an employee as a precaution

It is often necessary to suspend an employee as a precaution, or to remove the employee from the workplace to allow for the investigation into misconduct to complete prior to issuing the notice to attend the disciplinary hearing.

Suspension is a category of unfair labour practise, and until a few days ago it was a requirement to hold a pre-suspension hearing prior to deciding to suspend, allowing the employee to argue against it. [Read More…]

Mark - 12:00 @ common, Industrial Relations, Human Resources | Add a comment
